Group Coaching

Group coaching offers a dynamic and collaborative avenue for professional growth, blending the personalized touch of coaching within a focused group context. Convening in small groups, it’s the perfect blend of shared learning, leadership development, and personal coaching.

Within our programs, participants encountering similar challenges come together in a facilitated environment, fostering constructive dialogues, knowledge exchange, and the pooling of collective insights from both peers and their coach. This space serves as a secure haven for exploring fresh perspectives, dissecting real-world dilemmas, and crafting actionable strategies with impact.

Group Coaching

Group coaching offers a dynamic and collaborative avenue for professional growth, blending the personalized touch of coaching within a focused group context. Convening in small groups, it’s the perfect blend of shared learning, leadership development, and personal coaching.

Within our programs, participants encountering similar challenges come together in a facilitated environment, fostering constructive dialogues, knowledge exchange, and the pooling of collective insights from both peers and their coach. This space serves as a secure haven for exploring fresh perspectives, dissecting real-world dilemmas, and crafting actionable strategies with impact.

When To Use Group Coaching

Training Sustainment

When you're investing in your employees for training, a critical concern is ensuring lasting application and behavioral changes.

Group coaching emerges as an invaluable solution, providing a platform for participants to revisit crucial skills, share their successes and learning moments, and acquire fresh insights to bolster and sustain their adoption of new approaches.

It's the key to reinforcing and promoting continued growth and success in implementing these transformative strategies over the long term.

Shared Challenges

I often receive requests from clients to support a particular segment of people within their organization. It might be new leaders or people managers, select members of a team or senior leadership.

Group coaching can be a wonderful solution when time and budget prohibit deeper training or individual coaching. We work with you to vet out and shape strong cohorts to maximize results.

Each session is structured around an agreed upon topic that participants will prepare to discuss. A typical group coaching journey may last 4-6 months, expanding leadership and management skills, deepening relationships and internal networks and reinforcing a culture of continuous learning.

When To Use Group Coaching

Training Sustainment

When you're investing in your employees for training, a critical concern is ensuring lasting application and behavioral changes.

It's the key to reinforcing and promoting continued growth and success in implementing these transformative strategies over the long term.

Shared Challenges

I often receive requests from clients to support a particular segment of people within their organization. It might be new leaders or people managers, select members of a team or senior leadership.

Each session is structured around an agreed upon topic that participants will prepare to discuss. A typical group coaching journey may last 4-6 months, expanding leadership and management skills, deepening relationships and internal networks and reinforcing a culture of continuous learning.